Academic affairs, Research and Innovation
Academic Affairs Committee
Reporting to the BCI Board of Directors, the Academic Affairs Committee provides a forum for the Québec universities’ academic affairs vice-rectors to exchange information and collaborate on issues related to university education, including such diversified aspects of university life as admission, libraries, program evaluation, relations with colleges, cooperation with professional associations, student exchanges, etc. It has one subcommittee: the Registrars Subcommittee. It also supervises the Accueil Plus service. This committee promotes collaboration by periodically organizing discipline-related discussion groups for program heads (deans, department directors, etc.) and academic affairs vice-rectors at the universities that offer programs in the discipline.
Research Committee
Reporting to the BCI Board of Directors, the Research Committee fosters the exchange of information and dialogue between the Québec university research vice-rectors regarding development and funding of university research. It maintains close ties with research and innovation stakeholders in Québec, including relevant government departments, organizations that promote scientific culture and the advancement of research, and provincial and federal grant agencies. The Committee helps the research vice-rectors develop common positions on various issues, including the orientation and objectives of subsidy and bursary programs, indirect costs of research, and any legislative initiatives that may have an impact on research. It has one subcommittee: the BLEU Subcommittee.