Medical Affairs

Under the auspices of the Medical Affairs Working Group (MEDU), BCI coordinates compliance with government policies on admission to university medical programs in Québec, both for undergraduate programs leading to an M.D. and for postgraduate programs. It also promotes dialogue and collaboration between the four faculties of medicine through the work of the Conference of Deans of the Faculties of Medicine (CDFM), the Conference of Executive Vice Deans (CVDEX), the Conference of Vice Deans of Postgraduate Education in the Faculties of Medicine (CVDFM), the Conference of Vice Deans of Undergraduate Education in the Faculties of Medicine (CVDPCFM), and the Provincial Interfaculty Committee on Admission in Medicine (CIQAM).
Please note that the form « Demande d’admission à un programme de formation médicale postdoctorale au Québec et information à l’intention des candidats diplômés à l’extérieur du Canada et des États-Unis (DHCEU) – 2018-2019 » will be available only during the Summer 2017. An e-mail will be sent to eligible IMG candidates as soon as it will be online.