R Score
According to the Access to Information Policy adopted by the Comité de gestion des bulletins d’études collégiales (CGBEC), composed of representatives of the colleges, universities, and the MEES, a student who wants to know his or her R score must contact the college attended or the university to which an official application for admission was submitted.
In addition, for any general information about the use of the R score in the admissions process, the student should contact the university to which an application for admission was either made or will be made.
- R Score: Changes for the Fall 2017 Semester – June 16, 2017
- La CRC actuelle : fondements – Brève présentation, 8 octobre 2019
- Présentation sommaire de l’ajustement au calcul de la cote de rendement au collégial, 8 septembre 2017
- The R Score: What It Is and What It Does – September, 2020
- The R Score: a Survey of Its Purpose and Use – September, 2020
- Questions and Answers about the College R Score – September, 2020
- Rapport du CGBEC relatif à la cote de rendement au collégial, 3 septembre 2014
- The R score : what it is, and what it does – March 4, 2013
- Révision du calcul de la cote de rendement au collégial, 1er décembre 2006
- Mandat confié au CGBEC à la suite de l’avis du Conseil supérieur de l’Éducation : « Au collégial – L’orientation au cœur de la réussite », 5 février 2004